
Entry points for the scripts that are exposed to the user.


Script errors.

exception neural_data_simulator.scripts.errors.InvalidPluginError[source]

Bases: Exception

Plugin cannot be used.


Script to bootstrap the NDS environment.

This script needs to be run by the user after installing NDS. It will create the NDS_HOME directory in $HOME/.nds then copy the default configuration files to it. In addition, it will download the example models and behavior data, validate their md5 hashes, and copy them to the NDS_HOME/sample_data directory.[source]

Copy config files and sample data to NDS_HOME.


Script that starts the encoder.

The encoder default configuration is located in NDS_HOME/settings.yaml (see neural_data_simulator.scripts.post_install_config). The script can use different config file specified via the --settings-path argument.

The config file has an encoder section where the settings for the model, input and output can be adjusted. By default, the encoder expects to read data from an LSL stream and output to an LSL outlet. In absence of the input stream, the encoder will not be able to start.[source]

Load the configuration and start the encoder.


Script that starts the ephys generator.

(see neural_data_simulator.scripts.post_install_config). The script can use different config file specified via the --settings-path argument.

The config file has an ephys_generator section where the settings for the input, output, noise, etc. can be adjusted. By default, the ephys generator expects to read data from an LSL stream and output to an LSL outlet. In absence of the input stream, the ephys generator will not be able to start.[source]

Load the configuration and start the ephys generator.