
NDS requires Python >=3.9 and <3.12 to be installed. You can find which Python version you have installed by running python --version in a terminal. If you don’t have Python installed, or you are running an unsupported version, you can download it from Python environment managers like pyenv, conda, and poetry are all perfectly suitable as well.

The neural-data-simulator package contains:

You can install NDS, with all included utilities and example implementations, using:

pip install "neural-data-simulator[extras]"


The pip installer will copy the NDS scripts to a predefined folder for binaries. For example, on Linux this can be $HOME/.local/bin. Make sure that the this folder is added to the PATH variable in order to be able to execute the NDS scripts without having to enter the full path. Usually the installer will print a warning if the bin folder is not added to the PATH.

If you prefer to install NDS with the strictly required dependencies for its core functionality then execute the following command:

pip install neural-data-simulator


The extras installation is required to run the BCI closed loop example.

Lab Streaming Layer

NDS requires LSL for data input, output, and internal data transfer. LSL can be installed by running:

# on Linux/WSL
conda install -c conda-forge liblsl

# on macOS
brew install labstreaminglayer/tap/lsl

# on Windows
# the python package should be installed automatically by pip when installing the dependencies.

On Windows, the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable has to be installed.


If the command above is not able to find a liblsl package for your system, you can build it manually following the guide or running the script.


If NDS was installed with the [extras] dependencies, matplotlib will also be included. This library is being used to display velocities and trajectories plots at the end of running the BCI closed loop simulation. In order to display figures, matplotlib can use different rendering backends. On some Linux distributions and on macOS, matplotlib might work out of the box, but other Linux distributions require explicitly installing a backend like PyQt. On Windows, it also requires the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable to be installed. Please consult the matplotlib documentation for more information.

Post-installation script

The purpose of this script is to prepare the environment with the default configuration files and sample data. You should manually execute this script once after installing the NDS package:


By default nds_post_install_config will copy all the configuration files and download all sample data to the $HOME/.nds folder, skipping files that already exist. If you want to overwrite existing files, you can use the --overwrite-existing-files argument.

If you installed NDS without the [extras] dependencies, you can use the --ignore-extras-config argument to only copy the core components’ default configuration.


An internet connection is required to download the sample data. If you are working offline, you can skip the download by using the --ignore-sample-data-download argument.

Visualization tools

For visualizing the data streams in real-time we recommend installing the open-ephys package with the LSL plugin and configuring it as described in Visualizing Data.


If you have any issues running or installing NDS, please submit them via NDS GitHub Issues and we will endeavor to solve them together. Below are some common troubleshooting issues and solutions.


  • If you receive a pygame.error: directx not available, try running set SDL_VIDEODRIVER=windows before executing run_closed_loop.