Source code for neural_data_simulator.tasks.center_out_reach.screen_info

"""A wrapper around screeninfo with improved functionality on macOS."""
import sys
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple

import screeninfo
from screeninfo import Monitor

[docs]def get_monitors() -> List[Monitor]: """Return a list of Monitor objects representing the connected screens.""" if sys.platform == "darwin": return list(_enumerate_macos_monitors()) return screeninfo.get_monitors()
[docs]def get_ppmm(monitor: Monitor) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: """Return the pixels per millimeter of the given monitor.""" if not monitor.width_mm or not monitor.height_mm: return None return (monitor.width / monitor.width_mm, monitor.height / monitor.height_mm)
def _enumerate_macos_monitors() -> Iterable[Monitor]: # isort: off from AppKit import ( # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports] NSDeviceSize, # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] NSScreen, # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] ) from Quartz import ( # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports] CGDisplayScreenSize, # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] ) # isort: on screens = NSScreen.screens() for screen in screens: f = screen.frame if callable(f): f = f() description = screen.deviceDescription() width, height = description[NSDeviceSize].sizeValue() width_mm, height_mm = CGDisplayScreenSize(description["NSScreenNumber"]) yield Monitor( x=int(f.origin.x), y=int(f.origin.y), width=width, height=height, width_mm=width_mm, height_mm=height_mm, is_primary=(screen == screens[0]), )