Source code for neural_data_simulator.tasks.center_out_reach.scalers

"""Scalers and unit converters."""
from typing import Optional, Union

from numpy import ndarray
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

from neural_data_simulator.tasks.center_out_reach.screen_info import get_monitors
from neural_data_simulator.tasks.center_out_reach.screen_info import get_ppmm

[docs]class PixelsToMetersConverter: """Unit conversion between pixels and meters."""
[docs] def __init__(self, ppi: Optional[float]): """Initialize the PixelsToMetersConverter class. Args: ppi: The pixels per inch of the display or None. If ppi is None, the function will try to calculate it based on the default monitor. """ if ppi is None: if monitors := get_monitors(): first_monitor = monitors[0] if ppmm := get_ppmm(first_monitor): ppi = ppmm[0] * 25.4 if ppi is None: raise ValueError("Could not detect monitor ppi. Please configure it.") self.ppi = ppi self.pixels_per_meter = ppi / 0.0254 self.pixels_per_millimeter = self.pixels_per_meter / 1000
[docs] def pixels_to_millimeters(self, X: ndarray) -> ndarray: """Convert pixels to millimeters. Args: X: An array of pixel values. Returns: The array resulted from the conversion. """ return X / self.pixels_per_millimeter
[docs] def millimeters_to_pixels(self, X: ndarray) -> ndarray: """Convert millimeters to pixels. Args: X: An array of millimeter values. Returns: The array resulted from the conversion. """ return X * self.pixels_per_millimeter
[docs] def pixels_to_meters(self, X: ndarray) -> ndarray: """Convert pixels to meters. Args: X: An array of pixel values. Returns: The array resulted from the conversion. """ return X / self.pixels_per_meter
[docs] def meters_to_pixels(self, X: Union[float, ndarray]) -> Union[float, ndarray]: """Convert meters to pixels. Args: X: An array of meter values or a single float value. Returns: The array resulted from the conversion. """ return X * self.pixels_per_meter
[docs]class StandardVelocityScaler: """A simple standard scaler for velocities."""
[docs] def __init__( self, scale: ndarray, mean: ndarray, unit_converter: PixelsToMetersConverter ): """Instantiate a new scaler for velocities. The purpose of this scaler is to scale the velocity to a standard deviation of 1 and a mean of 0 when calling the transform function. Args: scale: The scale to apply to the velocities. mean: The mean to offset the velocities. unit_converter: The unit converter to use to convert between pixels and millimeters. """ self.standard_scaler = StandardScaler() self.standard_scaler.scale_ = scale self.standard_scaler.mean_ = mean self.unit_converter = unit_converter
[docs] def transform(self, X: ndarray) -> ndarray: """Apply the transformation required to standardize the velocity. This transformation should be applied to the velocity before sending it to the encoder. Args: X: The velocity to transform. Returns: Standardized velocity. """ velocity = self.standard_scaler.transform(X) assert isinstance(velocity, ndarray) return self.unit_converter.pixels_to_millimeters(velocity)
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, X: ndarray) -> ndarray: """Apply the transformation required to reverse the scaling of the velocity. This transformation should be applied to the velocity after receiving it from the decoder. Args: X: The velocity to transform. Returns: Scaled velocity. """ velocity = self.unit_converter.millimeters_to_pixels(X) return self.standard_scaler.inverse_transform(velocity)