Source code for neural_data_simulator.core.settings

"""Models for parsing and validating the contents of `settings.yaml`."""
from enum import Enum
from enum import unique
from typing import Dict, Optional

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic import Extra
from pydantic import Json
from pydantic import validator
from pydantic_yaml import VersionedYamlModel

[docs]@unique class LogLevel(str, Enum): """Possible log levels.""" _DEBUG = "DEBUG" _INFO = "INFO" _ERROR = "ERROR" _WARNING = "WARNING" _CRITICAL = "CRITICAL"
[docs]@unique class EncoderEndpointType(str, Enum): """Possible types for the encoder input or output.""" FILE = "file" LSL = "LSL"
[docs]@unique class EphysGeneratorEndpointType(str, Enum): """Possible types of input for the ephys generator.""" TESTING = "testing" LSL = "LSL"
[docs]@unique class EncoderModelType(str, Enum): """Possible types of input for the encoder model.""" PLUGIN = "plugin" VELOCITY_TUNING_CURVES = "velocity_tuning_curves"
[docs]@unique class LSLChannelFormatType(str, Enum): """Possible values for the LSL channel format.""" _FLOAT32 = "float32" _DOUBLE64 = "double64" _INT8 = "int8" _INT16 = "int16" _INT32 = "int32" _INT64 = "int64"
[docs]class TimerModel(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the timer implementation.""" max_cpu_buffer: float loop_time: float
[docs]class LSLInputModel(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for all LSL inlets.""" connection_timeout: float stream_name: str
[docs]class LSLOutputModel(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for all LSL outlets.""" class _Instrument(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): manufacturer: str model: str id: int channel_format: LSLChannelFormatType stream_name: str stream_type: str source_id: str instrument: _Instrument channel_labels: Optional[list[str]]
[docs]class EncoderSettings(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the encoder."""
[docs] class Input(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the encoder input."""
[docs] class File(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the encoder input type file.""" path: str sampling_rate: float timestamps_array_name: str data_array_name: str
type: EncoderEndpointType file: Optional[File] lsl: Optional[LSLInputModel]
[docs] class Output(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the encoder output.""" n_channels: int type: EncoderEndpointType file: Optional[str] lsl: Optional[LSLOutputModel]
model: str preprocessor: Optional[str] postprocessor: Optional[str] model_weights_file: Optional[str] input: Input output: Output @validator("model") def _model_entry_point_must_be_a_python_file(cls, v): if v is None or v.endswith(".py"): return v raise ValueError("The model entry point must be a Python file") @validator("preprocessor", "postprocessor") def _plugin_entry_point_must_be_a_python_file(cls, v): if v is None or v.endswith(".py"): return v raise ValueError("The plugin entry point must be a Python file") @validator("input", "output") def _file_type_must_have_a_file_object(cls, value): if value.type == EncoderEndpointType.FILE and not value.file: raise ValueError("File type must have a file object") return value @validator("input", "output") def _lsl_type_must_have_a_lsl_object(cls, value): if value.type == EncoderEndpointType.LSL and not value.lsl: raise ValueError("LSL type must have a lsl object") return value
[docs]class EphysGeneratorSettings(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the spike generator."""
[docs] class Waveforms(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the spike waveform prototypes.""" n_samples: int prototypes: Dict[int, Json[list[float]]] unit_prototype_mapping: Dict[str, int] @validator("prototypes") def _prototypes_have_the_same_length(cls, v): prototype_lengths = set([len(prototype) for prototype in v.values()]) if len(prototype_lengths) > 1: raise ValueError("prototypes do not share the same length.") return v @validator("unit_prototype_mapping") def _unit_prototype_mapping_needs_to_point_to_a_valid_prototype(cls, v, values): mapped_waveforms = list(v.values()) prototypes = list(values["prototypes"].keys()) if not set(mapped_waveforms).issubset(prototypes): raise ValueError("Mapped prototype was not configured.") return v @validator("unit_prototype_mapping") def _unit_prototype_mapping_needs_a_default_value(cls, v): if "default" not in v: raise ValueError("Mapped prototype doesn't have a default value.") return v
[docs] class Input(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the ephys generator input."""
[docs] class Testing(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the ephys generator input type testing.""" n_channels: int
type: EphysGeneratorEndpointType lsl: Optional[LSLInputModel] testing: Optional[Testing]
[docs] class Output(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the ephys generator output."""
[docs] class Raw(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the ephys generator output type raw.""" lsl: LSLOutputModel
[docs] class LFP(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the ephys generator output type LFP.""" data_frequency: float filter_cutoff: float filter_order: int lsl: LSLOutputModel
[docs] class SpikeEvents(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the ephys generator output type spike events.""" lsl: LSLOutputModel
raw: Raw lfp: LFP spike_events: SpikeEvents
[docs] class Noise(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): """Settings for the ephys generator noise.""" beta: float standard_deviation: float fmin: float samples: int
waveforms: Waveforms input: Input output: Output noise: Noise resolution: float random_seed: Optional[int] raw_data_frequency: float n_units_per_channel: int refractory_time: float lsl_chunk_frequency: float @validator("input") def _input_lsl_type_must_have_a_lsl_object(cls, input_value): if input_value.type == EphysGeneratorEndpointType.LSL and not input_value.lsl: raise ValueError("LSL type must have a lsl object") return input_value @validator("input") def _input_testing_type_must_have_a_testing_object(cls, input_value): if ( input_value.type == EphysGeneratorEndpointType.TESTING and not input_value.testing ): raise ValueError("Testing type must have a testing object") return input_value
[docs]class Settings(VersionedYamlModel): """All settings for the NDS main package.""" log_level: LogLevel timer: TimerModel encoder: EncoderSettings ephys_generator: EphysGeneratorSettings
[docs] class Config: """Pydantic configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid